Redis Ltd Announces Changes to DBMS License

Redis Ltd announced a change to the license of the DBMS Redis, related to the class of NoSQL systems. Starting from the release of Redis 7.4, the project code will be distributed under two proprietary licenses: RSALv2 (Redis Source Available License v2) and SSPLv1 (Server Side Public License v1), instead of the previously used BSD license. Previously, only the code of additional modules was supplied under a proprietary license, offering expanded capabilities for corporate users such as Redisearch, Redisgraph, Redisjson, Redisml, Redisbloom, etc. Moving forward, the proprietary license will be applied to the main code base of the DBMS.

Old issues will remain available under the previous BSD license, allowing them to be used as the basis for creating an independent fork. The license change will integrate proprietary modules into future versions of the DBMS Redis, implementing expanded types and data processing engines that were previously only part of the Redis stack product.

Support for the old Redis 7.x branches, released before the license change, will continue at least until the release of Redis Community 9.0. Patches for vulnerabilities and serious problems will be produced for old branches under the BSD license. After the support period for the old branches, patches will only be produced under the SSPL and RSAL licenses, requiring fork authors to independently engage in support.

The SSPL and RSAL licenses are not open and include additional restrictions to prevent the free use of the product for operating cloud services. Both licenses are reciprocal, with the SSPL license based on the AGPLv3 license copy and the RSAL license based on the BSD permissive license.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.