Association Openela (Open Enterprise Linux Association), formed by CIIQ (Rocky Linux), Oracle, and SUSE for combining compatibility efforts with RHEL, presented project Kernel -ls, in which it will provide additional support for some outdated LTS core LTS, after the cessation of their official support.
The first core for which additional support will be provided will be the 4.14 branch, which was published in November 2017 and was accompanied by 6 years. In January, the main team of nucleus developers stopped supporting this branch. Openela forces resumed and updates for the nucleus 4.14 will be produced at least until December 2024. After the final release of the Linux nucleus 4.14.336, the Openela team has already released Extended updates 4.14.337-openela, 4.14.338-Openela, and 4.14.339-Opeenela.
Openela’s support will be carried out in compliance with the same rules and processes that are used for ordinary stable LTS nuclear. No additional restrictions, such as binding to certain equipment or products, will be introduced. Updates will be available based on tracking corrections from the current core branches and their transfer to accompanied expanded LTS vehicles.
In addition to expanded support of the LTS Nucleus, Association Openela is engaged in maintaining repository with packages that can be used as the basis for creating distributions, completely compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, identical in behavior (at the error level) with RHEL, and suitable for use as a replacement for RHEL. The repository is supported by the joint efforts of the Rocky Linux, Oracle Linux, and SUSE Liberty Linux developers and includes packages necessary for the formation of distributions compatible with RHEL 8 and 9 (RHEL 7 plans). The Openela repository took the place of the repository, which was stopped by Red Hat.
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