A recent study conducted by Chinese scientists has introduced a groundbreaking development in urban warfare tactics. The experiment revealed that four-legged robots equipped with machine guns can rival trained marksmen in terms of shooting accuracy. The study, led by the Xyi Cheng team from the University of Science and Technology, was published in the Journal of Engineering, showcasing the potential of robotic platforms as firing mechanisms that could potentially transform the landscape of warfare in urban settings.

By mounting a 7.62 mm machine gun onto a robot-tank with an automatic reloading system and shock-absorbing fastening, researchers were able to achieve remarkable shooting accuracy. During tests conducted at a distance of 100 meters, the dispersion radius of hits was approximately 5 cm, comparable to the precision of standard weapons like the M4 used by the US Army.

What sets the Chinese approach apart is the development of a specialized weapon mount that minimizes muzzle jump during firing and allows for a greater range of firing directions. This differs from previous American efforts, which simply involved affixing weapons to the robot’s back.

Aside from enhanced accuracy, four-legged robots capable of traversing uneven terrain and executing complex maneuvers present new possibilities in urban warfare scenarios. Unlike traditional wheeled or tracked platforms, these robotic systems have the agility to navigate urban structures effectively.

Chinese researchers highlight their expertise in designing and producing robotic canines as a key factor in successfully integrating the weapons module. This breakthrough offers the potential to reduce casualties among personnel and enhance operational efficiency in urban combat environments where terrain complexities necessitate agile tactics.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.