Canonical Employee Unveils Miracle-WM Composite Manager

Matthew Kosarek from Canonical presented the first release of the new composite manager miracle-wm, which is based on the use of the Wayland protocol and components for building composite managers mir. Miracle-WM supports the mosaic (tiling) layout of windows in the style of the window manager i3, the composite manager Hyprland, and user environment SWAY. The project code is written in C++ and spreads under the GPLV3 license. Ready assemblies are available in the format snap.

Among proposed in the first issue of miracle-wm functionality are mosaic windows control with the possibility of leaving stylish clearances between the windows, the use of virtual desktop, support for reservation of the screen zones for placement of panels, the possibility of opening windows to full screen, supporting the output of several devices (Multi-output), navigation and control using the keyboard. As a panel, waybar can be used. Settings are made through the configuration file.

The ultimate goal of the project is to create a composite server that uses mosaic windows control, but more functional and stylish than projects like

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