MIXXX 2.4 Released: Free Package for Music Mix Creation

Release of Free Package Mixxx 2.4

After two and a half years of development, the release of a free package Mixxx 2.4 has been published. This package provides a full set of tools for professional DJs and the creation of musical mixes. It is available for Linux, Windows, and macOS. The initial texts are distributed under the GPLv2 license.

New Features in Mixxx 2.4:

  • Added support for the export of containers, playback lists, and libraries for loading on devices based on Engine DJ OS. This feature allows DJs to prepare tracks on a laptop in Mixxx and then transfer them to a USB drive for separate controllers, such as Denon and Numark.
  • Support for saved and looped hot cues, which can be attached to any slots.
  • Added support for Effect Chains, allowing users to save, restart, import, and export sets of effects with all their parameters and bindings to meta-controls. The effects can also be tied to the Super Knob for quick access, and they can be regrouped or hidden in the chain.
  • Expanded track menu with functions for choosing loaded tracks in the library, analyzing the number of beats per minute (BPM) for each track, removing track files from the disk, and searching for metadata.
  • Improved synchronization blocking and added the possibility of manual selection of the Sync Leader for tracks with a variable number of beats per minute.
  • Three different tonality shift algorithms: Soundtouch, Rubberband R2, and Rubberband R3.
  • Oscillogram drawing for better visualization of waveforms.
  • Added support for Apple systems based on Apple Silicon chips.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.