Unusual Personality Test for FedEx and McDonald’s: Blue Aliens in HR Service

News Report: Unusual Personality Tests for Job Applications in the Service and Food Industry

Recently, the process of applying for work in some of the most popular areas of service and food industry in the United States has acquired an unusual form. Candidates proposed to pass a long and strange personality test from The participation of blue humanoid aliens, which helps employers evaluate such qualities of potential employees as “conspiracy” and “emotional stability”. Companies such as Fedex, McDonald’s and Darden Restaurants (owning restaurant networks, including Olive Garden), already use the selection method developed by Paradox.ai.

The test Paradox.ai, став вирусным на Reddit, вызывает недоумение у многих пользователей, Despite the fact that the use of psychological questionnaires in employment for hourly payment is not a novelty. However, it is unusual scenarios and the presence of blue humanoids that make it especially remarkable. In addition to the above, Paradox customers also include CVS, GM, Nestle, 3M and Unilever.

One of the tasks in the test is the choice between “this I” or “this is not me” in response to images with various situations, including scenarios such as an expression of calm before an angry client or refusing processing. Some questions seem less relevant to the context of work or even deeply existential.

An example of the test Tratify

The Paradox product called “Tratify” uses answers to the test to create a personality profile according to the “large five” model, which is a widespread method of evaluating the personality of a person. This method, although used for many years, causes disputes regarding its effectiveness.

After the test was completed, the author of Article 404 Media received a five-page report, which was also available to Olive Garden, where it was characterized as a “manufacturer”, emphasizing the self-sufficiency and ability to maintain high standards in the work.

test results

Despite the use of artificial intelligence in the name Paradox, its role in the process of selecting personnel is limited to other aspects of the company, including the work of the Olivia chatbot, which helps both candidates in the process of submitting applications and adopted candidates for

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