China Aims for AI Domination with Quantum Computers and Robots

China Aims to Lead in Artificial Intelligence by 2027

China has set an ambitious goal to become one of the world leaders in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) by 2027, according to a document published by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China. The plan includes the development of an ultra-power computing center for iterative machine learning and breakthroughs in graphic processors, high-speed computer networks, and distributed calculation technologies to create scalable server clusters for AI needs.

By 2025, China aims to hold a leading position in several advanced industries related to AI. One of the top priorities is the creation of anthropomorphic robots, which will require advancements in electric drives, traffic control, sensory systems, manipulators, and artificial “skin”. These robots can be utilized in various sectors such as industry, services, and in response to accidents, disasters, and emergencies.

The plan also emphasizes the importance of developing cover computers, requiring progress in error resistance and algorithmic failure correction. China envisions the creation of a quantum cloud and application development tools based on it in the future. Promising directions also include neuro interfaces similar to Neuralink inventions, which can be used in medical rehabilitation, transport management, and virtual reality.

In addition, China aims to improve 5G communication systems and blockchain technologies as part of its AI development strategy.

Despite facing attempts by the West to limit China’s technological development through sanctions, Beijing is investing significant resources to push forward in these areas. Chinese scientists have been given a clear mandate to achieve leadership in the field of AI within a short timeframe.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.