Scientists Create Unique Alloy with Locked Inside Electrons

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists from the University of Rice in the USA have made a significant breakthrough in the field of quantum physics. They have successfully identified the first-ever three-dimensional crystalline metal that can “block” electrons on the spot. This remarkable finding paves the way for further exploration of such materials.

The foundation of this discovery lies in the structure known as Kagome by the grate, which was initially described by Japanese physicist Cody Husimi in 1951. This structure is a two-dimensional lattice with a pattern resembling a traditional wicker basket, and it has long been utilized for the study of electrons and their quantum states.

The newly discovered material is an alloy comprising one part copper, two parts vanadium, and four parts sulfur. It possesses a pyrochlor grate composed of connected tetrahedrons. The unique geometry of this structure, along with quantum correlations, effectively “locks” the electrons in place, creating the phenomenon of quantum intervention.

According to Kimiao Si, a theoretical physicist from the University of Rice, this discovery can be likened to the revelation of a new continent. The university’s press release states, “This is the first study to demonstrate geometric cooperation and interacting frustrations, as well as the subsequent step of compelling electrons to occupy the same space at the top of the energy ladder.”

Using the angular resolution photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) method, scientists were able to discern the detailed energy zone structure of the alloy. They found that these zones were flat in multiple directions.

But what exactly are flat zones? In solid-state materials, electrons occupy quantum states that are divided into distinct zones. Electrostatic repulsion restricts the number of electrons in each zone, which are typically arranged like steps on a staircase. The Fermi level, a thermodynamic value, determines the energy level of the highest position on this ladder.

In metals and half-metals, electron localization can result in the formation of electronic flat zones. Previously, scientists had observed that the geometric arrangement in structures resembling Kagome lattices generates flat zones. However, this recent discovery marks the first instance of a similar effect being observed in a three-dimensional material.

Min Yi, an experimental physicist from the University of Rice, emphasized the significance of both geometric frustration and correlation effects in this material, which ultimately lead to the formation of the flat zone at the Fermi level.

Furthermore, the research group has shared their methodology, which enabled them to uncover this alloy, in an article published in the journal

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.