Available Release SYSTEMRESCUE 11.0, a specialized LIVE District based on Arch Linux, has been announced. This release is designed to restore the system after a failure and utilizes the XFCE graphic environment. The ISO image size is 853 MB (AMD64).
Changes in the new version include:
- The Linux kernel has been updated to version 6.6.
- A new parameter, SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS, has been added to the configuration file for specifying open keys of trusting hosts for SSH.
- The configuration of the user shell in XFCE has been enhanced with the inclusion of Guardian Keeper and the addition of a battery control applet.
- The DSTAT utility has been replaced with DOL (Fork DSTAT).
- The Bcachefs-Tools package, which provides utilities for FS Bcachefs, has been added.
- The BlockSync-Fast package, containing a utility for synchronizing and backing up block devices, has been included.
- The Sleuthkit package, for inspecting images of file systems, has been added.
- The Timeshift package, offering a similar functionality to System Restore in Windows and Time Machine in MacOS, has been included. It uses RSYNC with the installation of hard links or BTRFS snapshots for creating backups.
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.