First-Ever Recording of False Vacuum Decay Quantum Phenomenon

An international group of scientists, including experts from the University of Newcasl, has made a significant breakthrough in physics by experimentally recording the phenomenon of the collapse of a false vacuum. The results of their work were published in the scientific journal Nature Physics.

The decay of a false vacuum, within the framework of the quantum theory of the field, refers to the transition of a seemingly stable system into a truly stable state, despite its actual instability. This transition is accompanied by the formation of the smallest bubbles. Until recently, the scientific community only had theoretical assumptions about the frequency and mechanisms of such events, lacking experimental evidence.

Now, scientists from various countries have successfully observed the formation of these bubbles within specially prepared atomic systems. The experiments have confirmed the theory that bubbles are formed as a result of the collapse of a false vacuum under quantum conditions. The scientists’ results align with theoretical calculations and computer models, providing confirmation of this important discovery in quantum physics.

One unique aspect of the experiment is the use of super-cooled gas, with temperature approaching absolute zero. Under these extreme conditions, scientists have observed the appearance of bubbles, which they have determined to arise from the thermally activated decay of the vacuum. This conclusion is supported by the works of Professor Ian Moss and Dr. Tom Billma from the University of Newkal.

In highlighting the significance of this discovery, Professor Moss emphasized that “the breakdown of the vacuum may have played a key role in the formation of space, time, and matter during the moment of a significant explosion. Until now, we have not had the opportunity to experimentally test this hypothesis.” Dr. Billam also added that “the use of ultra-cold atoms to recreate quantum processes opens up new possibilities for studying space and the early Universe.”

This study holds promise for new discoveries in our understanding of the early universe and quantum phase transitions. The next step will involve studying the breakdown of the vacuum at absolute zero temperature, where the process will be controlled exclusively by quantum fluctuations. This experiment is planned in Cambridge as part of the QSIMFP collaboration, with the participation of Newcasl University, focusing on achieving this objective.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.