Wine 9.0 Released

After a year of development and 26 experimental versions, wine 9.0, the stable release of the open implementation of the Win32 API, has been presented. This release incorporates more than 7000 changes. Key achievements in the new version include the implementation of the Wow64 architecture for launching 32-bit programs in a 64-bit environment, integration of the driver to support Wayland, support for ARM64, the implementation of the API Directmusic, and support for Smartkart. (Source: Wine HQ)

In wine 9.0, a total of 5336 programs have been confirmed to work. This number has increased from 5266 programs one year ago, 5156 programs two years ago, and 5049 programs three years ago. Additionally, 4397 programs currently work perfectly with additional settings and external DLLs. This is an increase from 4370 programs one year ago, 4312 programs two years ago, and 4227 programs three years ago. Only 3943 programs have small problems that do not interfere with the main application functions. This number has increased from 3888 programs one year ago, 3813 programs two years ago, and 3703 programs three years ago. (Source: Wine AppDB)

Key Innovations in Wine 9.0:

  • Added the WineWayland.drv driver, which allows the use of Wine surroundings on the basis of the Wayland protocol without the use of XWayland and the components of X11. This development aims to ensure the work of a pure Wayland-controls with support for the launch of Windows applications, which does not require installation of packages associated with X11. The use of a pure Wayland environment for Wine allows for higher productivity and responsiveness of games and eliminates security problems characteristic of X11. The driver is experimental and already has support for windows control, multiple monitors, high-DPI screenshot, and Vulkan API support. To activate the driver, please add it to the “HKCU Software Wine Drivers” registry parameter and make sure that there is no Display Variable environment: wine reg.exe add hkcu \ software \ wine wine wine Drivers /V Graphics /D X11, Wayland. (Source:
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.