DietPi 9.0 Released for Single-Pay PC Distribution

The release of a specialized distribution, Dietpi 9.0, designed for use on single-pay PCs based on ARM and RISC-V architectures, has been published. The distribution is built on the DEBIAN and is available in assemblies for more than 50 boards, including Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Nanopi, Bananapi, Beaglebone Black, Rock64, Rock Pi, QUARTZ64, Pine64, ASUS Tinker, Odroid, and Visionfi VE 2. In addition, Dietpi can also be used to create a compact environment for virtual machines and conventional PCs based on the X86_64 architecture. The build assemblies of Dietpi are compact, on average 130 MB, and occupy less space on the drive compared to Raspberry Pi OS and Armbian.

The project is optimized for minimal resource consumption and has developed several of its own utilities, including the Dietpi-Software application interface, Dietpi-Config configurator, Dietpi-Backup reserve copying system, Dietpi-Ramlog temporary logs, the interface for Installations of priorities of the Dietpi-Services processes, and the Dietpi-Update update system. The utilities provide a console user interface with a menu and dialogue based on Whiptail. The mode of complete automation of installation is supported, allowing installation on the board without user participation.

In the new version of Dietpi, the following updates and improvements have been made:

  • Top support of assembly based on Debian 10 and updated assemblies based on the repositories of Debian 11 and Debian 12.
  • A new image for the Orange Pi Zero 3 payment option with 1.5GB RAM has been formed.
  • Improved support for Raspberry Pi 5.
  • In the screensaver, instead of displaying free space on the drive, the drive size and the amount of space used are provided in percent.
  • In the assembly based on Debian 12, packages with a game client, Moonlights, have been added.
  • Logitech Media Server, which is now assembled from night assemblies instead of Releases, has been returned.
  • A problem with the inoperability of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on the Orange Pi 3B board, caused by some necessary kernel modules being unloaded, has been resolved.
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.