German scientists concluded that the quality of the results of the search engines worsens due to the flood of the Internet with low-quality content from SEO farms and partnerships sites. In the course of research Requests for products for products in Google, Bing and Duckduckgo.
Experts found that pages holding high positions in the search results are more often optimized for SEO, contain affiliate links and contain low -quality text. Most of the results of search engines use partnership marketing, which reduces the quality of pages in the issuance.
It has also been found that all three search engines are subject to manipulations using mass spam campaigns with partnerships. Attempts to combat such manipulations by renewing algorithms bring only a temporary positive effect. According to the study, Google most effectively fights SEO and spam with partnerships.
Particular concern causes the emergence of generative artificial intelligence that can instantly create a large amount of low -quality content. Researchers note a general decrease in the quality of texts in all three search engines and blurring the boundaries between useful content and spam.
The authors of the work note that the search engines should more carefully select pages, especially if they produce a large amount of content. Scientists also indicated that many authoritative sites use partnership marketing and SEO-optimization as an important source of income, but a complete ban on these methods is hardly a solution.
After the publication of the study, the representative of Google said that it does not reflect the general quality and usefulness of Google for billions of requests daily. According to him, Google has implemented improvements to solve the described problems, and the study itself indicates improvement of Google’s work compared to last year and other search engines.