A new version of the game Nodeverse 0.4.0 has been released, offering players an opportunity to explore the wonders of the cosmos. Built on the Minetest engine, the game allows users to study planets, construct various structures, and even pilot spaceships. Inspired by the popular game No Man’s Sky, Nodeverse is coded in Lua and is available under the GPLV3 license.
With the release of Nodeverse 0.4.0, compatibility with previous versions has been disrupted. However, the update brings several exciting changes, including new additions such as cacti, grape vines, water lilies, trees, mushrooms, and underground lakes. The update also introduces new mods, namely ‘NV_FLORA’, ‘NV_GUI’, and ‘NV_ENCYCLEPDEDIA’. Additionally, the release focuses on enhancing the game’s performance and addressing various bugs and errors.