Yandex Moves Servers for to Kazakhstan

The Yandex company has completed the full transfer of servers serving its products to the KZ domain, located in the territory of Kazakhstan. This move, which began in August, was carried out in accordance with an agreed plan between Yandex and the Ministry of Cyphra of Kazakhstan. To ensure a smooth transition, the local division of the company brought the necessary equipment to Kazakhstan and conducted thorough testing to ensure optimal performance.

Based on the results of the testing phase, the portal has now been completely transferred to servers located in Kazakhstan. It will now operate solely on the local infrastructure, ensuring faster and more efficient service for users within the country.

The decision to transfer servers to Kazakhstan was made after Yandex suspended its services in the country in August. This suspension was a direct response to the implementation of a Russian law, which required taxi aggregators to provide the Federal Security Service (FSB) with access to their databases. Furthermore, carriers were prohibited from disclosing any information regarding their interactions with the FSB on this matter.

During this time, Yandex clarified that information on orders would only be accessible to the law enforcement agencies of the country in which the trip was made, and within the framework of that country’s legislation.

Later in August, representatives from Yandex engaged in negotiations with the Ministry of Cyphra of Kazakhstan, resulting in an agreement to transfer servers to the territory of the republic. This decision not only complies with local regulations, but also allows Yandex to continue providing its services to users in Kazakhstan.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.