Children 10 and 11 years old were struck on Friday by a motorcycle while they were playing. An 18 -year -old young man introduced himself to the police station the next day and “recognized the facts”.
Le Monde with afp
Two children aged 10 and 11 were overthrown Friday evening by a motorcycle during an urban rodeo in Pontoise (Val-d’Oise) and were seriously injured. An 18 -year -old admitted to be the driver of the machine and was placed in police custody, the Pontoise prosecutor’s office said on Saturday, August 6.
The facts took place Friday around 9:15 pm while the two children, “a girl aged 10 and an 11 -year -old boy played cat” on an esplanade, in the Hauts de Marcouville district, in Pontoise, Detailed the Departmental Directorate of Public Security (DDSP) of Val-d’Oise.
The two children were struck by a biker who fled. The next day, at the beginning of the afternoon, the young man, from the same district as the victims, presented himself at the police station with his lawyer and “recognized the facts,” said the prosecution.
“heavy sequelae”
The little girl presents “a head trauma”. She was transported to Necker hospital in Paris, and operated on Saturday. “If this child remains alive, she will have heavy neurological sequelae,” added the prosecution.
The boy has a fracture of the tibia-sparse. He was first transported to Pontoise hospital, but his condition deteriorated and was helicoptered to Amiens hospital. His condition has now been “stabilized”, but he also underwent “traumatic amnesia”.
According to Franck Lebas, departmental secretary of the police union SGP Police Val-d’Oise, questioned by bfm- TV , the motorcycle was “hidden” after the facts and “has still not been found”. An investigation was opened for an increased involuntary injury of the flight offense and was entrusted to the police station of Cergy-Pontoise.
In the Val-d’Oise department since early April, 534 interventions were identified for urban rodeos. Thirty-seven people were arrested and 34 motorcycles were entered, according to DDSP figures. On June 8, a 19-year-old young man died after being struck by a motorcycle during an urban rodeo in Rennes.
a law of 2018 reinforcing the law against motorized rodeos provides for sentences of up to five years in prison for their authors.