Donald Trump announces that his residence in Florida was “searched” by FBI

A parliamentary committee seeks to shed light on the role that the billionaire played in the assault against the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The Ministry of Justice has not for the moment committed prosecution against the former president.

Le Monde with AFP

Former American president Donald Trump announced on Monday August 8 that his famous Florida residence, Mar-A-Lago, had been “searched” by federal police (FBI). “Our nation lives dark days, my beautiful house, Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is besieged and has been searched and occupied by many FBI agents,” he said in a statement, saying himself victim of a “political persecution”.

“After having worked and cooperated with the government agencies concerned, this unrepended search of my home was neither necessary nor appropriate,” he said.

The Donald Trump home of Mar-A-Lago in Florida. November 27, 2016. MANDEL NGAN/AFP

“They even forced my safe!”, Donald Trump. The FBI has not yet confirmed this search. The Republican did not indicate the reasons for this police operation. It is linked, directly or indirectly, to several judicial files in progress.

documents of the presidency found at home in February

The congress had been notified in February that a fifteen boxes containing documents from the American presidency, including classified documents, had been found at the Floridian home of Donald Trump.

A parliamentary committee seeks to shed light on the role that the billionaire played in the assault against the Capitol on January 6, 2021. That day, hundreds of his supporters had sown violence and chaos at the ‘Interior of the Congress headquarters, delaying the certification of the victory of Joe Biden in the presidential election. The Ministry of Justice is investigating this attack, but has not currently committed prosecution against the former president.

At the end of July, the Minister of Justice Merrick Garland had not excluded this possibility. “We intend to account for anyone who is criminally responsible for [his role in] the events around January 6, in any attempt to interfere with the legal transfer of power from one administration to another “He said.

Donald Trump, still very popular among the Republicans, flirts more and more openly with the idea of ​​presenting himself in the presidential election of 2024.

 press release from Donald Trump, August 8, 2022. Donald Trump press release, August 8, 2022.

/Media reports.