The time was captured by Yann’s Hénoret’s camera in the documentary Emmanuel Macron, behind the scenes of a victory, broadcast just after the 2017 presidential election. On Sunday of the first round, the candidate and his team allow yourself a lunch stop on a motorway area. Which dish to choose? “Me, I like the Cordons-Bleus, there,” says Emmanuel Macron. Objection of the waitress: “It’s with the children’s menu …”

The anecdote has perplexed, but it fits so well in the atypical dimension of the new elected official that she did not have Moved in large people. François Hollande cute for a cordon-blue, it would have been another story. Basically, this very young presidential candidate could well allow himself a small food regression. Besides that he gave him an image of a big boy with simple tastes, the cordon-blue stuck to the sociology of the electorate of this outsider with double personality. An early and brilliant technocrat banker commonly speaking the tongue of wood of the “start-up nation”, guided by terribly dated cultural references. Few “quadras” refer to Gérard Majax and include terms such as “carabistouilles” or “perlimpinpin powder” in their vocabulary.
Easily with a veal, chicken or turkey cutlet, was the cordon-blue a subliminal allegory to macronism? Having become a little cheap, this specialty to the name a little surfaced, which experienced its hour of glory in the 1960s, speaks to seniors but also to geeks, which can swallow quickly an industrial manufacturing cordon in front of their computer. In 2017, during the second round of the presidential election, it is precisely among the over 60s and the 18-25 years that the Macron vote was best represented.
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In August 2017, the president was finally entitled to his cordon-blue during the visit of a leisure center for schoolchildren, but, over the quinquennium, the subtle paradigm was denied. The culinary preferences of “Jupiter” have transferred. In 2018, in front of college students, he confides that his favorite dish is the veal boiling. Not very original. Pushing the principle of “at the same time” until indigestion, the head of state adds in 2020 that it is as much meat as fish and very much appreciates game, a rather right -wing reference. As for the First Lady, she lets you know that nothing more pleases her husband than a “little bacon omelette with sautéed potatoes and a salad”.
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