The EU has imposed new phytosanitary rules to fight against a parasite. South African producers, second global exporters after Spain, protest.
Le Monde with AFP
Tons of oranges rot in containers blocked in European ports and risk destruction, while South Africa and the European Union (EU) compete in a commercial conflict around the import rules .
South Africa, the second world exporter of fresh citrus after Spain, filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) last month when the EU introduced new phytosanitary requirements which, According to producers, threaten their survival.
The measures entered into force in July while ships carrying hundreds of containers filled with South African fruits to Europe were already at sea, which led to their blockage on arrival, according to the ‘South African Association of Citrus Producers (CGA). “It is a complete and absolute disaster,” CGA leader, Justin Chadwick told AFP. Foods of exceptional quality, which pose no risk, lift there … It’s really a disaster. “
EU rules aim to combat the potential propagation of false carpocapse, an African parasite which has a weakness for oranges and grapefruits.
taken short
The EU demands the treatment with extreme cold of all oranges intended for European tables and a maintenance at temperatures less than or equal to two degrees Celsius for twenty-five days, which, according to South African producers, is not necessary, the country already having more targeted means to prevent infestation.
In its complaint with the WTO, South Africa argues that the requirements of the EU are “not based on scientific data”, that they are “discriminatory” and excessive.
and they weigh additional stress on an already proven sector. “This will add costs. This is what no producer in the world can afford at the moment,” explains Hannes de Waal, who directs the almost centenary exploitation Sunday River Citrus, in the south-east of the country.
m. de Waal, whose company has orange trees, clementiniers and lemon trees on more than 7,000 hectares, has already seen its income nibbled by the increase in transport costs from the pandemic, but also that of fertilizers, due to the war in Ukraine.
Europe is the largest market for South African citrus fruits, which weigh nearly 2 billion euros and represent 37 % of exports, according to the CGA. The sector employs more than 120,000 people in a country where more than one in three is unemployed.
The new rules, which occurred at the height of the orange season, took the producers short. Some 3.2 million citrus cards worth around 35 million euros have left with papers that have become non -valid on arrival. 2> “The year of survival”
The South African government hastened to issue new documents for expeditions that meet the new criteria, but hundreds of containers had to be destroyed, according to Mr. Chadwick.
“The system already in place in us implies treatment with the cold, but targeted on risk, while the measurement of the EU is a general measure which concerns all oranges”, explains Mr. Chadwick.
The dispute is now in the hands of the WTO. The parties have sixty days to negotiate a solution. Otherwise, the complainant can request the arbitration of a panel.
The EU said he was confident on the “compatibility of his measures with the WTO rules”.
The objective of the phytosanitary criteria is to protect the EU “from the significant potential impact on agriculture and the environment, if this parasite was established” in Europe, according to a spokesperson for the European Commission .
m. Chadwick hopes that “common sense” will prevail and that a quick solution can be found. “Our sector is under pressure. For us, it’s the year of survival.”