kyiv accuses the NGO of making the game of Moscow after the publication of a report on the endangerment of civilians in the Ukrainian armed resistance.
kyiv did not appreciate the lesson at all. By wanting to show neutrality, Amnesty International has put Ukrainian leaders on the back but also a large part of the civil society in the country ravaged by the war for five months. In a report published Thursday, August 4, The NGO claims that the Ukrainian armed forces endanger the civilian population.
Amnesty International is at least nineteen examples where the Ukrainian armed forces have installed bases and deployed weapons in residential areas. Consequently, civilians become the collateral victims of the artillery dam to which Russia subjects the whole front in its war of conquest. Since its publication, the report has become one of the most discussed subjects in Ukraine, attesting to the difficulty of an NGO, among the most influential on the international scene, to conduct impartial surveys in the context of a fierce war where the stories compete.
Very upset, President Volodymyr Zelensky criticized in his daily video speech, on Thursday evening, an “attempted amnestier a terrorist country” which places “the victim and the aggressor in a certain way on a foot of equality “. He recalled that the Russian strikes destroyed nearly 200 churches and places of worship, 2,200 teaching institutions and 900 hospitals and clinics.
For her part, the Ukrainian Defense Deputy Minister, Hanna Maliar, stressed how the NGO was unaware of the tactical realities: “The Ukrainian army strengthens and defends cities and villages. If we are waiting for the enemy Russian on the battlefield, as some advise us, the Russians will occupy all our houses. “The very large Russian superiority in fire power and artillery leaves no other choice for the Ukrainian defense than to use the buildings as protection. The cities remain very difficult to take for the invader, although it is ready to shave them, as the Russian army has already demonstrated it in Marioupol and in a dozen other Ukrainian cities.
Friday August 5, after having already distanced himself from the document, the director of Amnesty International in Ukraine, Oksana Pokalchuk, also announced his resignation on his Facebook page , by criticizing the fact that the NGO had not wished to integrate the Ukrainian team into the investigation. “Everything crashed against the bureaucracy wall and the deaf language barrier, she writes. It is not English, it is the fact that if you do not live in a country Invaded by invaders who tear it, you probably do not understand what it is to condemn an army of defenders. “
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