The INSEE observes a sixth quarterly progression in a row, with 102,000 net positions created between the end of March and the end of June in the private sector. The level of employment exceeds 3.8 % that before the crisis.
The French economy continues to generate jobs. In its flash estimate, published Friday August 5, the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) counts 102,000 net creations of posts in the private sector, in the second quarter of 2022, which represents an increase of 0.5 % compared to the first quarter. This is the sixth quarterly increase immediately.
Despite the uncertainties that weigh on the economy, these figures therefore confirm the good health of employment, already observed previously, combined at a moderate unemployment rate (7.3 % in the first quarter, according to figures from the ‘institute). While the year 2021 had already largely compensated for the effects of the crisis linked to the COVVI-19 (+ 4.3 % over the whole year, or 838,700 more jobs), the pursuit of the dynamics translates By a number of jobs much higher than the pre-crisis: mid-2022, private employee employment exceeds its end 2019 level of 3.8 % (+ 754 200 jobs).
In detail, only the temporary worker is experiencing a reflux between the end of March and the end of June ( – 2.1 %), after a year 2021 prosperous. Excluding the interim, the merchant tertiary sector appears as the big winner and almost explains the right trend of the labor market alone: growth of 0.8 % in the second quarter, after 0.6 % in the first (an increase of 97,300 Jobs after 77,300 in the first quarter). The tertiary sector is even 4.5 % above its pre-crisis level. For their part, industry, agriculture or construction stabilize.
recruitment difficulties
These good figures, which will be specified in a detailed assessment on September 8, can partly be explained by a methodological change that occurred recently: since the first quarter of 2022, the cyclical developments of employee employment have taken into account those of alternating (apprentices and holders of professionalization contracts). Having revised its figures of 2021 by taking into account the work -related job creations, INSEE indicated, in June, that the dynamism of these contracts reserved for young people counted for a third of employment growth on The set of 2021.
The INSEE flash estimate does not give additional information on the type of employment contract and the working time of employees occupying these new jobs and does not allow us to return to the structural problems that Meet employers, starting with recruitment difficulties and the drop in productivity since 2020.
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