It is accused, by the French authorities, of having launched calls for hatred and violence targeting in particular the Jewish community.
Le Monde with AFP
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) rejected, Thursday, August 4, the request for suspension of the expulsion measure to Morocco of Hassan Iquioussen, an imam officiating in France, said the ECDH in a Communiqué . The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, announced last week the future expulsion of this preacher of Moroccan nationality. Reputed to be close to the Muslim Brotherhood, he is accused by the French authorities of having launched calls for hatred and violence targeting in particular the Jewish community.
The court rejects the request for suspension of the expulsion measure of M. Iquioussen to Morocco…
The Court, which sits in Strasbourg, had been seized Wednesday by the person concerned under article 39 of his regulation which allows him to order States “provisional measures” when the applicants are exposed to “a real risk of irreparable damage “. Hassan Iquioussen invoked the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights on the prohibition of inhuman and degrading torture and treatments, the right to respect for private and family life, to freedom of thought, conscience and religion or even freedom of expression.
Morocco for destination
According to the ECHR, Gérald Darmanin took an expulsion order from this imam on Friday, withdrawing his residence permit, as well as a second decree designating Morocco as a country of destination. “Due to the severity of the threat to public order, the minister believed that it was not a disproportionate attack on his right to a family life,” explains the ECHR.
Gérald Darmanin once again justified the expulsion of this imam, Thursday on CNews, judging that the latter had made “openly anti-Semitic remarks, openly xenophobic, openly homophobic, openly anti-female”. He “has nothing to do on national soil,” insisted the Minister of the Interior. Morocco, he announced on Tuesday, delivered a “consular pass” to “expel Manu Militari” Hassan Iquioussen, who lives in the North and is registered, according to him, at the “FPR”, the file of the sought-after persons.
This preacher is very active on social networks, especially on his YouTube channel, followed by 169,000 people, and on his Facebook page at 42,000 subscribers. Born in France, in Denain, and living near Valenciennes, Hassan Iquioussen, 57, had decided, by his majority, still according to Mr. Darmanin, not to opt for French nationality. Claims to have renounced there at 16 years under the influence of his father – of French nationality -, and then tried in vain to obtain it.