By investigating this gang specializing in phishing targeting particularly the developers present on Github, the FBI sets out in the French underground of computer hacking. In addition to Sébastien Raoult arrested in Morocco, two other French people are targeted by American justice.
Three years ago, the shinyhuters were still just a jargon term reserved for the initiates of the Pokémon community, this cult saga from Japan. But from April 2020, window As the Intel471 cybersecurity company notes , a group of particularly virulent cybercriminals will make an OPA on expression. With much darker lenses than the hunt for small monsters: theft and sale of data.
targeted by an FBI investigation, the shinyhuters may have experienced a serious judicial judgment. as unveiled by L’Obs , Sébastien Raoult, a 21 -year -old Frenchman, was arrested on May 31 at Rabat Airport -Salé, in Morocco. It is targeted by an extradition request sent by the American justice, which suspects him of being a member of the Cybergang and of having participated in several computer hacks. According to his lawyer, Philippe Ohayon, who wants the young man to be rather judged in France, Sébastien Raoult now faces an imprisonment of 116 years across the Atlantic. Or the sum of the penalties provided for the nine prevention chiefs targeted.
a large hunting board
According to an indictment dated June 23, 2021, consulted by Le Monde, the shinyhuters are involved in the sale of data belonging to more than sixty companies. Or, according to a second legal document summarizing the charges against Sébastien Raoult dated June 10, 2022, which Le Monde also had a copy, damage to millions of dollars. An amount estimated more specifically by Intel471 to “tens of millions of dollars”, in view of the hunting table of cybercriminals, which attacked, among other things, to the application of pixlr photo retouching, in the clothing of clothing Bonobos, at the PDF Nitro publishing service, at the Indonesian e-commerce site Tokopedia or even in Big Basket, an Indian large distribution company.
Shinyhuten pirates had a well -established method, notes the FBI. Their operating mode was based on phishing, this technique of usurpting an identity to deceive its victim. Cybercriminals aimed in particular by GitHub users, a platform bought by Microsoft in 2018 which allows developers to store and share IT projects. The targeted developers were thus first contacted by email, with messages which contained links to the phishing sites. The latter imitated the GitHub connection portal, which allowed attackers to take control of the identifiers of their victim, before seizing accessible resources. The cybercriminals took advantage of this first access to then try to bounce back to the network of the company to which the targeted developer belonged.