The text was under discussion in joint joint committee, and will be submitted one last time to the voting of the Parliament on Thursday. It completes a first part adopted definitively on Wednesday too.
Le Monde with AFP
Deputies and senators arrived, Wednesday, August 3 in the evening, at a second part agreement of measures in favor of purchasing power, parliamentary sources said. To be validated definitively, the text will be submitted to the vote one last time, Thursday, to the National Assembly at 3 p.m. then in the Senate at 5 p.m.
This project of budget rectified for 2022, which was under discussion in joint joint committee (7 deputies, 7 senators), opens 44 billion euros in credits, including 9.7 to finance the renationalization at 100 % EDF . In addition are programmed the revaluation of the civil servant index point, the continuation of the energy price shield and the fuel delivery to 30 cents per liter in September-October then 10 cents in November-December, among others.
Between the presidential majority and the right, common ground was found on Wednesday, after almost two hours of discussions, especially on the controversial subject of the possible monetization of RTT that the Senate wanted to perpetuate. This acquisition, from volunteer companies, RTT of employees ready to work more will ultimately be possible until the end of 2025.
compromised on the exceptional back -to -school bonus
Regarding the exceptional back -to -school bonus, which the Senate, dominated by the right, wanted to reserve for modest workers and not to social minima, – which sparked uplift on the left -, a compromise was also recorded. The premium of 100 euros will be paid to the beneficiaries of the minima and also to those affecting the activity bonus, the total envelope allocated being increased from 1 to 1.1 billion.
For the success of the mixed commission, the president of the Republican senators Bruno Retailleau had posed as condition the maintenance of another addition of the Senate in favor of the establishment of a biometric vital card. This was the case, with the aim of fighting fraud.
Finally, concerning community aid, a subject dear to the Chamber of Territories, an envelope enhanced at 600 million euros has been validated.
“The debate was constructive but difficult because we were getting our objective of public deficit” 5 % in 2022 and “it is easier for some to want to add measures,” said France-Presse agency (AFP) The general rapporteur of the budget at the Assembly, Jean-René Cazeneuve (Renaissance).
parliamentary break
The Republicans “have advanced their main demands: lower the price of fuel, better paying the work, strengthening the fight against social fraud”, welcomed the deputy Véronique Louwagie On Twitter .
This text completes a first part adopted definitively on Wednesday and including the tripling of the Macron premium ceiling that can be paid by employers, the 4 % increase in retirement pensions and several allowances, as well as “deconjugalization” disabled adult allowance.
Votes on Thursday will mark the work break until the start of the school year, after a three -week summer marathon on these measures taken in the face of rampant inflation (+ 6.1 % in July over a year According to INSEE), which had been a major subject of the presidential campaign.