The MP for Paris accuses Aurélien Pradié of having shown a “manifest homophobia” during a remark on the variety of the monkey, which mainly affects men with sex with men. The LR deputy disputes.
Le Monde with AFP
The words raised the indignation of the deputy for Europe Ecologie-les Verts (EELV) Sandrine Rousseau. The elected representative of Paris asked, Wednesday, August 3, on Wednesday, which his colleague Aurélien Pradié (Les Républicains, LR) apologizes and be sanctioned for “homophobia” which he would have shown Tuesday in the hemicycle, during ‘A speaking on the variolate of the monkey.
The facts, According to the meeting report of the National Assembly , took place during questions to government . M rousseau intervened about the disease – which mainly affects men with sex with men – evoking “the shame” that the name which was given to it could arouse in patients.
Aurélien Pradié then commented on the subject by declaring “it is above all a shame for the monkeys”, according to the transcription of the session put online by the Palais-Bourbon. On Wednesday, the deputy made a recall to the regulations in the name of “discipline, immunity and ethics”. During the final debate on the bill on purchasing power on Wednesday, she also asked “what there are public apology and that the case be studied at the conference of presidents so that a sanction is Taken as a manifest homophobia of this remark “.
Reminder of the regulations: @Sandrousseau requests a sanction against@aurelienpradie (LR) due to “homopho…
Aurélien Pradié denies any homophobic remark
The deputy lr reacted on Twitter By affirming that he will “fight [t] always against homophobia and all forms of discrimination”. “Imagine for a second that I wanted to say such a thing is to vomit. To those who could believe it and be injured, I say my deep sadness,” he said, assuring that “respect for all was [his] life “.
Sandrine Rousseau went to a vaccination center in the Paris region on Monday. She co-signed, with other political figures, associative representatives and citizens, a forum published the next day in the HuffPost in order to request the creation of a commission of inquiry senatorial on government action in the fight against the variole of the monkey.
The current wave, of which Europe is the epicenter, mainly affects men with sexual relations with men, relatively young and living essentially in the city, according to the World Organization for OMS Health. On the front line in the face of the disease, the LGBT + community plays the role of whistleblower and asks the public authorities to press the step.