Since the beginning of the year, fires have ravaged tens of thousands of hectares in France. Difficult to imagine areas.
Fires ravage French territory in an unprecedented way. As of August 13, no less than 260 fires have already been listed this year by European information system on forest fires (effis) – against 50 on average over the same period of the year, between 2006 and 2021.
It is a total of more than 60,000 hectares, or 600 square kilometers, which have burned since the beginning of the year. A gigantic area, which exceeds that of intramural Paris (105 km 2
é>), from Marseille (241 km 2 ), and even the entire Lyon metropolis (534 km 2 sup>).
The sad assessment of the year 2022 should unfortunately continue to increase, due to the fires which continue to rage at the end of summer-as in Caudiès-de-Fenouillèdes (Pyrénées-Orientales), where more than 110 hectares left for smoke on the night of Sunday to Monday.