The candidates dubbed by the former president to the posts of senators, elected officials in the House of Representatives, governors or secretaries of state, tend to prevail over their more critical opponents towards him.
The primary which is held on August 16 in Wyoming promises to be one of the most emblematic of the series of battles which are played through the United States for the mid-term elections, scheduled for November . In this conservative bastion, Liz Cheney, heiress of a republican line prior to the arrival of Donald Trump, vice-president of the commission of inquiry on the January 6 assault on the Capitol, could well join the Cohort of candidates defeated by adversaries supported by the ex-president; His failure would confirm Donald Trump’s grip on the republican apparatus and his influence on the basis of the Grand Old Party, more than a year and a half after his departure from the White House.
With a few exceptions, candidates dubbed by former President Donald Trump in positions of senators, elected officials in the House of Representatives, Governors or Secretaries of State – notably responsible for controlling the organization of elections -tend to prevail over their more critical opponents towards him.
According to the Ballotpedia site, out of the twenty republican candidates for a post of governor who had obtained the support of the billionaire, fifteen won; Only three of them have been failed; Two ballots are to come. By November, seven states must still organize republican primaries.
A third of “election negationists”
The advantage owned by the “Trumpists” is just as obvious for the senators: seventeen of the twenty-one candidates who received the favors of Trump prevailed. Its influence with candidates for the House of Representatives is even more massive: among the approximately 140 personalities who have benefited from its support, mainly outgoing elected officials, only five have been beaten.
Donald Trump is not surprisingly chooses personalities who publicly marry his views – but does not bother to get wet in the polls that seem lost in advance in front of the Democrats. Thus, according to the site specializing in the processing of data related to the Fivethirtyeight elections, at least 70 % of “its” candidates ensure, as the former president, that the presidential election of 2020 was “stolen”. According to a count established on July 18 by this site, more than a third of the republican candidates who will present themselves in November in the Senate, to the Chamber, to the posts of governor, attorney general or secretary of state, are, to Various degrees, “negationists of the election” (Election deniers).
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