The two main student organizations, FAGE and UNEF, respectively plan to increases 7.38 % and 6.47 % of the cost of student living. The latter denounces “a system of social aid out of breath”.
Each year, a black cloud appears during the summer holidays of the students. September is approaching, and schooling, housing or transport costs require both putting your hand in your pocket and tightening your belt. With the current outbreak of everyday prices, student organizations share their concerns as the start of the academic year. In their latest surveys on the cost of student living published Monday, August 15 and Tuesday, August 16, the National Union of Students of France (UNEF) and the Federation of General Student Associations (FAGE) are a significant increase in cost of student life. The first signals an increase of 6.47 % and the second of 7.38 %.
For UNEF, this increase represents a necessary additional budget of 428.22 euros for the year, or 35.70 euros more per month. The cost of “almost all expenditure stations” increases, with the exception of that of transport because the prices are stabilized by local public policies, explains the union, close to the left.
When Paul Mayaux and his Fage colleagues calculate, for their part, the cost of the start of the school year in September and arrive at a total of 2,527 euros, they do not come back. “This has frozen the blood, says the president of the federation, it is a historical evolution.” Nothing but the return costs, which had experienced a slight decline in the start of the 2021 school year, jump by 13 % this year, especially in Reason for a “drastic increase” of the cost of complementary health (+ 32.21 %), followed by the costs linked to the teaching material (+ 15.82 %) and housing insurance (+ 11.83 %).
inflation at more than 6 % in July 2>
On the side of everyday life, housing still represents the largest share of the student budget and should further increase by around 1 point, according to the two main student organizations. However, it is the outbreak of consumer prices that occupies the spirits, according to the curves of inflation estimated at more than 6 % in July by INSEE.
In anticipation, the government has decided to revalue personalized housing assistance (APL) of 3.5 % – after a uniform drop of 5 euros per month in 2017, then a reform of their calculation method in force since January 2021 -, as well as scholarships on social criteria of 4 %. The law for the purchasing power adopted in early August also provides for the extension of the university restaurant ticket to 1 euro, as well as an exceptional back -to -school assistance of an amount of 100 euros for scholarship students and beneficiaries of the APL.
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