The consumer bill will increase, from October 1, by 2,419 cents per kilowatt hour, or several hundred euros per year for each household.
The winter will definitely be very expensive for consumers of German gas. In addition to increasing prices, all invoices will be increased by an additional tax. Monday August 15, the government announced its amount: 2,419 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) consumed from 1 er October, an additional charge of almost 500 euros per year for a family of four people Living in an individual house and consuming 20,000 kWh per year, excluding VAT.
The objective of this tax, already very controversial, is to guarantee the stability of the country’s energy system in the face of the fall in Russian gas deliveries, a consequence of tensions linked to the invasion of Ukraine on February 24 . According to the Minister of the Economy, Robert Habeck, who presented the system at a press conference on Monday afternoon, this additional contribution is the “fairest” means of avoiding a wave of bankruptcies among importers of gas, which would put all the distribution of heat and energy in the country in danger.
The fall of deliveries by the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline – currently at 20 % of its normal flow – has indeed placed importing companies in a critical situation. Lack of Russian gas, they must buy the fuel elsewhere, at a much higher price, while being linked with their customers by long -term contracts. Taken in vice, these distributors were threatened with bankruptcy. Uniper, the first Russian gas importer in the country, which delivers many municipal services, thus benefited from state emergency aid in July. 2>
negotiations on VAT
The new sample must make it possible to distribute the risk as widely as possible … without directly affecting the state budget. The tax should allow importers to cover 90 % of their additional purchase costs. The system will operate thanks to an intermediary company, trading hub Europe, which normally organizes market operations for all German gas distributors. She will be responsible for collecting and reversing the product from this levy to distributors who request it. RWE and Shell energeticists have thus announced their intention to give it up, by assuming their additional purchase costs.
A way of advantaging their customers, exempt from tax, while the upcoming charge for all the others is considerable. For very energy consumption companies such as chemistry, steel or glass, the additional charge linked to the tax should amount to 5 billion euros, calculated the lobby which represents them. For individuals, the potion is particularly bitter. Each home consumer home – Russian or not – must expect an increase in their bill of several hundred euros per year, to which could be added 19 % VAT.
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