Wealthy customers gradually adhere to the ISR. But not all establishments are at the same stage.
Socially responsible investment (ISR) has invaded the world of asset management. As for savers, they are more and more sensitive to the impact of their investments, even if profitability remains their primary concern. “Before the pandemic, two thirds of our customers feared that favoring ESG criteria [environmental, social and governance] compromises performance, notes Anne Pointet, Deputy Director of BNP Paribas Wealth Management. Two years later, it’s the ‘reverse! “
It must be said that the financial markets have been promising for this typology of titles in recent years. “Some major fund managers are only investing in these values, which supports their performance and, conversely, disadvantages the less virtuous companies,” notes Nicolas Hubert, Director General of Milleis Banque.
According to Swiss Life Banque Privée, more than a third of wealthy French people already have funds labeled ISR. And if the young generations are particularly concerned about environmental issues, in particular, bankers find a dissemination of this sensitivity in all the strata of their customers. “It has been said for a long time that it was the prerogative of the young generations, but it is no longer true today,” says Edouard de Saint Pierre, director general France of Lombard Odier. The grandparents are challenged by their grandchildren- children. “
as many approaches as houses
On this plan, not all establishments are at the same stage. Most offer alternatives to their traditional mandates, integrating ESG criteria. There are as many approaches as houses. At Bordier, the mandates are managed in live titles, the manager therefore excludes the worst students on the ESG criteria.
For its part, BNP Paribas private banking promotes thematic funds, particularly on inclusive growth or sustainable food. “These products meet investors’ expectations, because they make it possible to embody convictions, underlines Anne Pointet. Their outstanding has been multiplied by four since 2018 within our management company.”
Lombard Odier has chosen to press the environmental aspect for its sustainable investments. “In addition to being certified B Corp [Certification allocated by an American NGO to commercial enterprises that meet social and environmental criteria], we have associated ourselves with a chair from the University of Oxford to establish our method of analysis of the analysis of the analysis of Companies, reports Edouard de Saint Pierre. We judge the trajectory of companies according to the climate commitments they have made by 2030-2050 and this allows us to establish an impact indicator, which fits our financial indicator , in more or less important proportions depending on the wishes of the customer. “
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