All of the departments of Metropolitan France are in drought vigilance, 22 of which are on reinforced alert and 68 in crisis.
A dry country. July 2022 was the month with the least precipitation (9.7 millimeters) since March 1961 (7.8 mm) in France, and the most dry July ever recorded by Météo-France, whose statements go back to 1959 . Despite the thunderstorms expected from Sunday, these “rains should not succeed in infiltrating in depth”, the soils too dry favoring runoff, alerted the office of geological and mining research (BRGM) in a bulletin published Thursday .
Result: all of the departments of Metropolitan France are in drought vigilance, 22 of which are on reinforced alert and 68 in crisis. In the event of water shortages, four levels exist: vigilance, alert, reinforced alert, crisis, with increasingly strong restrictions, which affect both individuals, farmers and industrialists.
The situation is “worrying” for a large number of water tables in mainland France in July, due to a water recharge “significantly lower than normal” during the winter and the historic drought in progress, puts In custody the brgm.
The public geological research establishment specifies, however, that the level of emptying slows down “on numerous tablecloths, probable consequences of the rains at the end of June and the reduction in levies”, thanks to the restrictions ordered within almost all of departments.