published the release of the set of system utilities Toybox 0.8.8 , like the Busybox designed in the form of a single executable file and optimized for minimal consumption of system resources. The project is developing a former minantineer of Busybox and spreads under the license 0BSD . The main purpose of Toybox is to provide manufacturers with the possibility of using a minimalistic set of standard utilities without opening the initial texts of modified components. According to the capabilities of Toybox so far lagging behind the BusyBox, but 306 basic commands (227 are completely and 79 partially) of 378 planned. From the innovations of Toybox 0.8.8 we can note:
- to the Timeout utility is added an option -i “to complete the command after a certain time of inactivity (the output into the standard stream drops the timer).
- Added support of the option –xform “to convert the files of files using a specified SED expression to the” TAR “utility. The command “TAR –NULL”.
- For long options, abbreviated analogues are offered (for example, “LS –col” for “LS –color”).
- In the command “Blkid -o” added support for the output formats “Full”, “Value” and “Export”.
- Options -c options are added to the NSenter utility (inclusion of CGROUP NAMESPACE) and “-A” (inclusion of all supported names).
- In the “Mount” utility, the option -r “-r” was implemented and the defursively BIND monitoring.
- In the “File” utility, recognition of files with images of the Linux nucleus and executable files for the architecture of Loongarch.
was implemented.
/Media reports.