A quarrel of love or friendship, a family heartbreak or a professional shouting marked their lives. This week, Mathilde, 27, a student in the Hautes-Alpes, tells the most horrible day of her life.
We were big teens, he and me. We met young, and our couple quickly became popular in the middle of the night, where we were passionate about time. We were cool people, respected in our little universe of Hautes-Alpes.
I got pregnant with him for the first time, and I aborted. Then a second time, at 22 years old. He had 29. He didn’t want a child. But I couldn’t go back to the clinic for an abortion, it was too hard for me. I come from a broken family, and I absolutely did not want to reproduce this model. In a fantasized way, I dreamed of an ideal family. I did not have much in my life: I did not work, my studies were at a standstill. I told myself that at least I could become a super mom. I started to read lots of books on education, parenthood … He ended up giving in. He said to me: “Well, well in this case, will not abort”, just as if he had asked me to go buy bread. He is the kind of guy who stops touching you as soon as you start to have a little belly. We embarked on a baby, without being prepared for it, without having the slightest idea of what it involved.
a door open to infidelity
Our daughter arrived, she had fairly serious health problems at birth. The period was difficult. Regularly, when we argue, he reminded me that he had not wanted this child. For my part, I was upset because I felt abandoned during pregnancy. I did not work, I took care of the house – a classic routine scheme which affects the relationship, which quickly generates difficulties in intimacy … and leaves an open door to infidelity.
An ambiguity settled with one of the friends of the band. I found refuge with him. He was married, his wife was pregnant. It was terrible, because I am attached to values of respect, of honesty. I was very unhappy. The relationship dragged a little before we stop, and it started to know in our circle of friends, but they covered us, probably because they did not want the image of my official couple to be Salie. We were popular and federative: I think they wanted to preserve this.
Two years after the end of this extramarital story, my companion and I decided to get married. More precisely, it was I who wanted this marriage. I wanted to erase evil, to start again on something beautiful. But, obviously, this past had not disappeared, it was there, underground. The announcement sparked great discomfort with our knowledge. My best friends quickly warned me that they would refuse to make a speech because they were too uncomfortable. For my part, I was stubborn, I took their remarks badly.
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