Having lost all her brain functions, the protagonist of “six days, seven nights” is “legally died according to Californian law” but her heart still beats in order to facilitate organ donation, explained her spokesperson.
Le Monde with AFP
American actress Anne Héche was declared dead on Friday August 12 at the age of 53. The actress, on the poster for many films in the 1990s, had been in a coma in the hospital since a serious brain injury caused by a violent collision by car on August 5.
Having lost all her brain functions, Anne Heche “is legally died according to Californian law” but her heart still beats in order to facilitate organ donation, said his spokesperson Holly Baird at the France-Presse agency (AFP).
“Today, we lose a radiant light, a gentle and joyful soul, a loving mother and a loyal friend,” the family said in a joint statement. “Anne will be deeply regretted, but her wonderful son, her immense work and her passionate fights will survive her,” she adds.
“My brother Atlas and I lost our mother,” said his son Homer Laffoon in a separate statement. “I hope my mother no longer suffers,” he added.
The accident caused “a serious fire”
Thursday, a press release from a representative of the actress quoted by several American media already warned that she was in a desperate state and only “maintained alive to determine whether some [of her organs] are viable” for Donations.
The press release also thanked the supports of M me heche, as well as the nursing staff who took care of it at the Grossman center for the burns. “Anne had a big heart and touched each person whom she met with her generous mind,” said the press release. “More than her extraordinary talent, she considered that spreading the kindness and joy was the work of her life,” said the text before adding that we will “remember her for her courageous honesty”. >
The actress had been in a coma since her accident, when her car struck a two -story house in the district of Mar Vista, “causing structural damage as well as a serious fire”, according to Los Angeles firefighters . It took 65 minutes and 59 firefighters to turn off the fire, according to the same source.
The Los Angeles police said in a statement on Thursday that she would conduct blood tests on M me sup> heche and that the investigators were going to “present the case to the adequate judicial authority” . The police did not give any details on any legal consequences.
According to TMZ , publication specializing in the coverage of celebrities, which quotes anonymous police sources, M me sup> heche has been tested positive for the cocaine and fentanyl, an ultra-powerful and addictive synthetic opiate used in certain treatments.
Anne Héche played in a large number of films in the 1990s, including six days, seven nights or Donnie Brasco. She is also known for her role in the Another World soap opera, which earned her a daytime Emmy Award in 1991. In the 1990s, she had a very publicized relationship with the presenter Ellen Degeneres.