“At the origins of youth characters” (4/5). Adolescent, Antoine Dole, future Mr Tan, exteriorizes his suffering by scribbling sketches of the little red, insolent and merciless heroine, who today loving children.
The one who has been moonking with laughter for almost ten years was not born from a frank fun. It was in 1994, in Chambéry. Adèle was called Lavernia, current name of her carnivorous plant, and Antoine Dole – who today signs the pseudonym Mr Tan -, the creator of this heroine of comic book sassy with phenomenal success, was then a 14 -year -old college student. “I felt like I disappeared in school violence. One day, I took a sheet. I traced a line to cut it in half because I needed to decide this impression. It became The bar of the Front of Adèle. She was born as a cry, that of a teenager who could not be heard, “he said to the world, specifying how the drawing offered her an immediate answer to his discomfort.
“She was quickly surrounded: Ajax [her cat], Geoffroy [Transi and Driby In love], her parents … They had no faces. Perhaps because I was evolving in a world where adults do not did not protect me. “The” dirty kid “assumed who” taborned those around him “embodied the opposite of the suffering adolescent who scribbled her in the margin of his notebooks.
insolent and merciless
In the early 2010s, Antoine Dole became a novelist for adolescents. The gaze of an editor, Franck Girard (at the time at Tourbillon), falls on the silhouette drawn at the bottom of an email printed by one of his collaborators. He is looking for new heroines for his collection of comics for children … The “Mortelle Adèle” series is born thus. All that will end badly, hell is the others and it’s not my fault! Go out in 2012, at Tourbillon. The titles of these first Strips albums give an idea of the content. Thirty thousand copies are sold in the first year. Insolent and merciless, Adèle seduces children from 7 years old, who do not come back from such transgression and love her first degree, as when she does not hesitate to shred her doll to find her “interior beauty “…
The illustration is first provided by Miss Prickly, then taken up in 2014 by Diane Le Feyer. Both have slipped into the universe established by Antoine Dole. “Her hair, at the front, is those of [the cartoon heroine] Sailor Moon. There is also Mafalda [invented by the Argentinian Quino], Wednesday Addams [the daughter of the famous family created by Charles Addams] And this big head on a small body comes from the manga, “explains Diane Le Feyer. Where does the freckle from her hair come from? “Partly of my book readings on witchcraft trials against redheads.” The illustrator, who hardly spends a day without working on the series, explains: “I learned to appropriate it. ‘Put me there, I slide details in the sets … “
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