Available The production of the Fheroes2 project 0.9.18, which recreates the Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine from zero . The project code is written on C ++ and is distributed under the license gplv2. To launch the game, files with game resources are required that can be obtained, for example, from the demo version of Heroes of Might and Magic II or from the original game.
Main changes:
- The code responsible for playing MIDI and allowing to continue the composition from the place where they stopped.
- Fixed the delay in some sounds.
- A new system for drawing objects on an adventure card that closed more than 40 problems related to display.
- Fixed the logic of the arrangement of creatures in battle and their generation in visited objects on the map.
- The skill of “Diplomacy” now works completely, as in the original.
- Refined translations to Polish, Bulgarian, Russian and Hungarian.
- Corrected over 50 documented errors.

/Media reports.