In a report published in July on the terrorist situation, Europol recalls that France remains the country of the most targeted EU, and that if jihadism represents the majority of attacks, attacks and arrests, the threat of ultra -right is expanding.
There are several ways to read the latest report published in July by the European organization Europol on the situation and the trends of terrorism in Europe. The most factual is limited to a figure: we went, from 2020 to 2021, from 57 to 15 attacks and projects of attacks thwarted on European soil. It is therefore a spectacular decrease compared to previous years, marked by a substantial wave of attacks. But it is too early to say that the episode, which opened in 2013-2014, is now over. Europol’s report does not yet note a consequence following the Taliban’s takeover in Kabul, in August 2021.
Among the four attacks made in 2021, three came from the jihadist movement (in France, Spain and Germany) and one of the UltraGauche. This threat remains the largest today in Europe, with 11 attacks and projects out of the 15 identified. France, targeted by an attack at the Rambouillet police station, and four projects, is the most affected country within the EU.
One thing seems safe: the major jihadist organizations, whether al-Qaida or the Islamic State (IS) organization have the greatest sentences in the world to carry out major attacks. Most of the jihadist attacks were committed by isolated, foreign or foreign, indoctrinated individuals on the Internet. Another sign of this weakening of jihadist organizations: rudimentary means (knife or ram vehicle) used within the framework of the attacks carried out. /Div>
“The isolated actors affiliated with jihadist or ultra -right extremism remain the main threat of potential terrorism and violent attacks within the EU”, underlines the executive director of Europol, Catherine de Bolle, in Its introductory purpose in the ratio.
mutations to ultra -right
If the number of attacks and projects of attacks from the ultra -right remains low – 3 in 2021 against 4 in 2020 -, the number of suspects arrested within this movement is in strong growth – it passes From 34 to 64 in one year -, while the number of suspects from the jihadist movement remains stable (254 in 2020 and 260 in 2021, including 96 just for France). After France, the countries where jihadist activities have given rise to the greatest number of arrests are Spain and Germany, targeted by attacks in 2021, then Austria, still under the one of Vienna fall 2020 and, finally, Belgium.
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