The drought led the waters of this commune of Var to monitor and impose a rationing of water. Beyond 150 liters per day and per person, the flow is reduced by means of a device installed on the meter.
“Hello, it is the Régie des Eaux!” It is 10 am, the teenager who opened the door does not seem to understand what is going on. “You have consumed more than 1,500 liters per day, but we are in period of drought and limited to 150 liters per person. So I will have to reduce your speed to the clock,” explains the technician. The young person is on vacation in Seillans, in the Var, with his parents. They came from Belgium to take advantage of this superb stone villa with rounded balconies. In the garden, sparkles a turquoise blue pool.
a three, the family should not have exceeded 450 liters per day: since the source of Baou-Roux and the water table which usually feeds Seillans are dry, part of the village had to restrict its consumption from early May. For more spared districts, the limitation was decided at the end of July, at 200 liters maximum per person per day. All over the region, town halls implement increasing coercive measures. Some even distribute bottles, for lack of tap water. With its tanker truck, a 77-year-old former truckier borrows the hill zigzag six times a day in order to supply the municipality’s reserve.
To try “to repel the worst”, that is to say the total cut, the agents of the “management” of the country of Fayence (community of communes of which Seillans are part) are desperately trying to enforce The municipal decree . The problem is that “for 90 % of the people who pay attention, there are 10 % who believe they are allowed”, storm René Ugo, the mayor of Seillans and president of the community of communes. “Only a balanced sharing of the resource will allow to shift or even avoid cuts,” recalls the elected official. “Sense of effort”, “shares” … He keeps hammering these words. In the garrigue, villas sometimes pump several tens of thousands of liters per day. “People come on vacation and think it’s all inclusive: since they have money, so they can consume all the water they want. But water, there are no more . “
“They will only have to drink their tickets”, plague an employee of the management. In brand new premises, the water service monitors the weekly consumption of the inhabitants. On an Excel document, each meter, a line: name, address, number of occupants, including dogs and cats. And, of course, the amount of liters used. If the limit is exceeded, the box is displayed in red. In this case, after a recall of use, the technicians move to “notify” the counter: by placing a piece of plastic the size of a caddy token, pierced with a 2 millimeter hole, they reduce Six times the flow.
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