The Minister of Solidarity, Jean-Christophe Combe, must make new announcements in September, in particular on employee revaluations.
In the early childhood sector, the start of the school year promises to be difficult. As illustrated by the shortage of staff, now quantified-10,000 professionals are lacking in the call according to a Unpublished study From the National Caisse des Caisse Family allowances (CNAF) dated July 11 -, the attractiveness of these professions is a key issue. A direct consequence of this shortage, many collective reception establishments (the second childcare for children under 3 years of age in France, behind childminders) are struggling. “In recent months, there have been structures that have decreased their hourly amplitude, others that have closed sections to continue to welcome children safely. Professionals who stay in office must often have overtime to compensate The absences of their colleagues “, sums up Véronique Escames, general co-secretary of the National Union of Professionals of Early Childhood (SNPPE).
There is “a real chasm between the content of the training, which insists on the well-being and the development of children and the support to be implemented, and the reality on the ground”, abounds Emilie Philippe, of the collective No babies in the set. In fact, “we constantly find ourselves to work in an emergency, to take turns in the sections to compensate for the lack of professionals”, she adds.
“Revaluize these trades”
Current recruitment tensions arouse, unsurprisingly, the dissatisfaction of parents for whom it keeps their toddler turns to the headache. Aware of the problem, the previous government has set up a early childhood sector committee, in order to bring together around the table all the players in the sector to work on solutions. His first conclusions, made at the beginning of summer, are supposed to inspire the action of the public authorities.
In the wake of their presentation, the Ministry of Solidarity announced the first urgent measures on July 11. At the top, the creation of an observatory of quality of life at work in early childhood, endowed with 500,000 euros, as well as the announcement of the organization of a campaign to enhance these trades in the fall.
The first responses of responses rather well received by the actors, who say they are vigilant, however, that the government does not stay there. “We expect a lot from the minister to help us improve working conditions, and to revalue these trades, including financial terms,” said Elsa Hervy, general delegate of the French Federation of Crèches companies, which represents 2,000 crèches and 52,000 seats. “One of the solutions to fight against the shortage is to launch negotiations with the regions to increase the financing of places in training of educators of young children and childcare assistants”, she adds .
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