The text, which is the subject of consultations, aims to shorten the deployment deadlines for the installations to allow France to catch up.
It is a dense and dense document that the players in the sector are still analyzing. Distributed in mid-August, the bill on the acceleration of renewable energies, which provides for a simplification of administrative procedures to shorten the deadlines for deploying projects, must be presented by the end of September in the Council of Ministers, Before being debated in Parliament. Monday, August 29, the National Ecological Transition Council, one of the main organizations consulted on the text, again met to discuss it.
“Everyone agrees to accelerate the deployment of renewables in the face of climate emergency and energy supply, explains Geoffroy Marx, who represented the League for Bird Protection (LPO). But the Associations consider that there is a real risk of environmental regression when some are rather highlighting the need to produce electricity at all costs. “
While France is the only country in the European Union not to have achieved its objectives in 2020, this bill should allow it to catch up and reach the targets set by the chief of the State: at the beginning of the year, Emmanuel Macron announced that he wanted to connect fifty wind farms at sea by 2050, exceed 100 gigawatts (GW) of capacity installed in solar and double those of production of land wind.
The bill, praised by the sector as an important political signal, consists of twenty articles grouped in four major chapters. The first brings together emergency measures presented as temporary, which can only be implemented for four years – or until the end of the five -year term. Among these is the simplification of the compatibility of town planning documents or the extension to more projects of public participation by electronic means.
The text also provides that the thresholds from which projects are subject to an environmental assessment can be noted more easily. The government recalls that only wind farms of more than ten masts are assessed in Spain, and those of twenty masts in Germany. This measure, in particular, arouses the fear of nature protection organizations, which see it as the risk of a sprain in the principle of non-regression of environmental law, inscribed in the law of biodiversity protection of 2016.
Associations are also concerned about article 6, according to which the installations meeting certain criteria would be considered as “major public interest”, facilitating the obtaining of a derogation from the obligation to protect species protected. For the Syndicate of Renewable Energies (SER), this provision is on the contrary important to shorten deadlines. “The developers will not have an automatic exemption concerning the protected species, there will always be other conditions to be fulfilled,” specifies Alexandre Roesch, his general delegate.
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