Initially reserved for defense subjects, these advice had been used on numerous occasions by the Head of State at the time of the Covid crisis.
Le Monde With AFP
The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, will bring together Friday a defense council dedicated to the supply of gas and electricity of France, said the Elysée, Tuesday August 30, confirming Information from Franceinfo .
“The supply of gas and electricity being a vital interest in the country, the Council of Defense and National Security will aim to take stock of the situation as well as on the scenarios envisaged to prepare for all Case this fall and this winter, “an Elysée advisor to the France-Presse.
“We cannot speak of gas and energy crisis without speaking of Russia and the war in Ukraine, which means that there are subjects of the order of national security and at high value Strategic, “pleaded on Franceinfo on Tuesday on Franceinfo, the government spokesperson, Olivier Véran, to justify the use of this system where the deliberations are kept secret. “Do not see that as a secret enclosure, it is really a college, collective work,” he added, adding that he participated in many health defense advice as Minister of Health.
Defense councils already used during the COVVI-19 crisis
“The time has come to change a certain number of our habits, also warned Mr. Véran. There will be an important step for the French [with] our roadmap of energy sobriety presented by the first Minister at the very beginning of autumn, probably at the end of September, early October. “” There will also be a general public communication campaign which will allow each and everyone to appropriate fairly simple, fairly basic tools, which allow us to Have a real impact, “he added.
Initially reserved for defense subjects, these advice had been used on numerous occasions by the Head of State during the COVVI-19 crisis, causing criticism from political oppositions on his solitary exercise in power .
“An energy defense council, for me, is the secret. The Council of Ministers, I see what it is; the Assembly, I see what it is; the Senate, I see this That it is, it is planned in the Constitution. The Defense Council, it does not exist, “criticized Tuesday on LCI the national secretary of Europe Ecologie-les Verts, Julien Bayou.
Gas flows from Russia have grown themselves and Europeans are preparing for a possible total judgment, in retaliation for sanctions taken against Moscow since the invasion of Ukraine. Engie announced that Gazprom still reduced its gas deliveries this Tuesday.
The situation is also tense on the electricity side, due to the unavailability of part of the French nuclear fleet, especially for corrosion problems.
The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, urged companies on Monday to improve their energy sobriety, failing which they would be the “first affected” by “rationing” measures in the coming months.