To the structural deficit of places to welcome children under 3 years of age is added the glaring lack of professionals who desert the profession since the health crisis.
Stop working for lack of being able to keep your baby keeping? Justine (her first name was changed at her request) had not planned it. And yet. Although she and her husband took all the steps from her pregnancy to find a daughter for their daughter, the 31 -year -old finally had to resolve to install a three -month parental leave after her her maternity leave. “I had anticipated in November, by asking for a place in a crèche for my scheduled resumption in June,” says this resident of Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine) contacted after a call for testimonies published on
“What disillusionment when we submitted our file and that we were told at the town hall that requests will not be processed before the start of the school year 2022, and that in any case we will not have a place because the city favors The inhabitants having the most seniority in the city, “denounces Justine, recently installed in her town. Their daughter was born in March and the couple renounces their wish to obtain a place in collective structure. Justine contacts all childminders around. In vain, at first. Without solution, it is ultimately forced to install parental leave.
So when, after multiple refusals, they finally manage to sign a contract with a newly arrived professional in the department who undertakes to take care of their daughter from September, no question of discussing the schedules or the remuneration. They will have to pay 930 euros per month plus the costs related to meals, from which they will deduce 182 euros paid by the Family Allowance Fund (CAF). This arrangement, if it weighs heavily on household income, is the only way for Justine to resume the way to work. With a certain bitterness, however: “At a time when we denounce the inequalities women-men, how many are forced to sacrifice yourself because of all this?”, She questions.
” Evenings to make calculations “
Resident of Angers, Loreleï R. is in the same situation. The birth of his second son is expected in September. With her companion, they anticipated and goes around all the possibilities: nurseries and microcrès, childminders, maternal assistants … without success. “The only solution we have found is a microcrèche that would cost us the equivalent of my salary, 1,400 euros per month,” said the young woman of 30 years. “However, we do not have an atypical request, we are looking for a guard from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 5.30 pm”.
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