The increase in remuneration is twice as much as that of prices.
Depending on whether you see the glass half full or half empty, you can read a good or bad news for French employees: two surveys published this Wednesday, August 31 confirm that the budgets devoted by companies to increases Salaries increased well in 2022, without caught up the level of inflation at 5.8 % over a year in August. According to the Consulting Consulting in Human Resources LHH, which interviewed 180 companies representing more than a million employees, the median rise would even reach a higher for ten years, at 3 %. This is 0.5 % more than January forecasts.
For the Deloitte firm, whose survey relates to so many employees, divided into 300 companies, the increase is slightly less (+ 2.5 % all socio-professional categories combined), returning only to the pre-crisis levels . The increase concerns all sectors of activity, details LHH, with a budget for compulsory annual negotiations (NAO) slightly higher in the industry (3.15 %) and in IT (4 %) but lower in the Financial tertiary sector (2.5 % after 1.4 % in 2021).
“an equation”
The two studies find that general increases, that is to say for all employees of the company, have also become preponderant, while practice had ceased to retreat in recent years for the benefit of individual increases.
“Despite the health crisis, companies had maintained increases in 2020 in accordance with their forecasts. But they accused the blow in 2021, with 1.45 %forecasts, a very low level which they aimed to catch up This year. The new economic and social crisis, inflation, and the problem around purchasing power, led them to make a particular effort, “recalls Delphine Landeroin, director of social performance projects at LHH.
The LHH survey thus corroborates the observations of the Dares, the statistics service of the Ministry of Labor, which, in a study on the evolution of wages in the private sector, published on August 12, noted an increase of 3 % over one year of the basic monthly salary index of all employees. The same study pointed out that in constant euros, having regard to the level of inflation, this index fell on the contrary by 3 % all categories combined, and even 3.6 % for the intermediate professions, and 3.7 % for executives.
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