The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, who was involved throughout the summer in this file, said he “satisfies” this decision of the highest administrative court against the ‘Imam.
A “victory” for Gérald Darmanin. Tuesday, August 30, the judge in summary proceedings of the Council of State gave the green light to the expulsion of Hassan Iquioussen, imam speaker of the north of France. The highest administrative court thus agreed, at this stage, to the Minister of the Interior, by invalidating the first instance decision which had suspended the expulsion decree.
The Council of State specifies in a press release that the “anti -Semitic remarks made for several years, during numerous widely disseminated conferences, as well as its discourse on the inferiority of women and its submission to man constitute acts explicit and deliberate provocation to discrimination or hatred justifying the expulsion decision “. Like the judge in summary proceedings of the Paris administrative court before him, that of the Council of State nevertheless rejected “several reasons retained by the Minister to expel Mr. Iquioussen, in particular the questioning of the reality of the terrorist attacks and his rejection of Laws of the Republic for the benefit of Islamic law “, Beauvau not having brought evidence.
The administrative court had dismissed anti-Semitism, considering that Mr. Iquioussen had apologized and had not reiterated such remarks since 2014. The Council of State took the opposite view, judging that his apologies ‘did not go as far as “explicit refutation” of his anti -Semitic remarks. During a conference dating from 2003 entitled “La Palestine, the story of an injustice”, the preacher developed in particular the idea of a conspiracy between the Zionists and Hitler to promote the installation of the Jews in Palestine, and qualified them “Avares” and “ungrateful”. Several times since, he will repeat to be “anti-Zionist but not anti-Semitic”.
Unlike the administrative court, the Council of State especially considered that in the balance between state security and fundamental right to normal private and family life, the expulsion of Mr. Iquioussen, of Moroccan nationality but born In France and father of five French children, was not “disproportionate”, his children being adult and his Moroccan wife, although staying in all regularity on French soil. Hassan Iquioussen, 58, explained that he had been pushed to give up French nationality before his majority under pressure from his father, before trying to recover it twice, without success.
Gérald Darmanin did not hesitate to immediately savor, on Twitter, “a great victory for the Republic”, before making a statement to the press on the steps of his ministry, saying in particular to have asked “from this after -Midi “To prefects to” offer him expulsion possibilities “of foreign people holding” hate speech “, and that” the laws have not so far allowed to expel “. The lawyer of Hassan Iquioussen, Me Lucie Simon, deplored a “State of weakened law” and “an alarming context of pressure from the executive on the judiciary”.
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