presented the release of a lightweight distribution mx Linux 21.2 created as a result of the joint work of communities formed around the Antix and Mepis . The release is based on the Debian package base with improvements from the Antix project and packages from its own repository. The distribution system uses the initialization system sysvinit and its own tools for configuring and expanding the system. To download available 32- and 64-bit assemblies (1.8 GB, x86_64 , i386 ) with the desktop xfce, as well as 64-bit assemblies (2.4 GB) with the desktop KDE and minimalistic assemblies (1.4 GB) with a window manager Fluxbox.
in a new issue:
- synchronization with the package base Debian 11.4. Updated versions of applications.
- In the assembly with extended support for equipment (AHS), the Linux 5.18 core is involved (in conventional assemblies, the core 5.10 is used).
- Added MX-Cleanup utility to clean the old versions of the nucleus.
- Improved operation of the installer.
- The MX-Tweak utility sets to disable Bluetooth adapters and move the buttons from the upper part of the XFCE and GTK dialogs to the lower.
- for
Fluxbox proposed a new MXFB-LOOK utility, which allows you to save and download the themes of the design. - UEFI controls are added to the MX-Boot-Options package.
- In the MX-Snapshot utility, the possibility of automatically completion of work is implemented.
- A graphic interface has been added for the Quick-System-Info utility, which allows you to generate a system for simplifying the analysis of problems in forums.
/Media reports.