According to information from the “world” and “süddeutsche Zeitung”, the federal prosecutor Cédric Rémunds is auditioned as defendant, Friday, as part of the case of the secret meetings between Gianni Infantino and former prosecutor General Michael LAUBER .
less than a hundred days before kick off the 2022 World Cup in Qatar (from November 20 to December 18), tension is palpable in the entourage of the President of the International Football Federation (FIFA), Gianni Infantino. And for good reason: the criminal procedure opened in July 2020 in Switzerland against the boss of world football for “incitement to abuse of authority, the violation of the secrecy and the obstacle to criminal action” knows a sudden acceleration.
According to information from the world and the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ), the two extraordinary prosecutors in charge of this instruction, Ulrich Weder and Hans Maurer, extended this investigation to a Swiss federal prosecutor. Anti-corruption magistrate to the public prosecutor of the Swiss Confederation (MPC), Cédric Rémund is interviewed on a day, Friday August 26, as a warned about the three secret meetings (without supporting minutes), in 2016 and 2017, between Mr. Infantino and the former Swiss prosecutor Michael LAUBER.
Responsible for several procedures related to FIFA since 2015, Mr. Rémund is the seventh personality referred to by MM’s survey. Weder and Maurer, like Mr. Infantino, Mr. LAUBER, the ex-spokesperson of the MPC André MARTY, a friend Magistrate of Mr. Infantino, Rinaldo Arnold, the ex-legal director of FIFA, Marco Villiger, and the former prosecutor Olivier Thormann. According to court documents consulted by Le Monde and SZ, the testimony of Mr. Rémund was eagerly awaited by extraordinary prosecutors.
In addition to the content of the discussions during the secret meetings, the two magistrates seek to verify whether a fifth man attended the last of these informal meetings on June 16, 2017, in a meeting room, on the first floor of the ‘Schweizerhof hotel in Bern, in the company of MM. Infantino, Lauber, Marty and Arnold. On that day, “five snacks” were ordered, noted, in 2020, the surveillance authority of the public prosecutor of the Confederation (AS-MPC).
day of leave to “write a Scientific article “
“No detail is known on the content of the meeting, but the number of participants clearly shows that these were FIFA procedures”, supported the AS-MP.
This June 2017 meeting remains imbued with a halo of mystery: MM. Infantino, Marty, Lauber and Arnold have in turn “omitted” to mention the authorities their participation in this third meeting. “Such a case of collective amnesia falls under aberration,” said the federal administrative court in 2020.
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