He is accused of the former manager of the site and the project manager in France for having underestimated the threats that weighed on the employees of the company in 2002, during the attack which cost life to eleven people.
Thousands of pages, dozens of hearings, several successive judges and two decades of combat: it will also have taken patience to the victims – and their loved ones – of the Karachi attack, committed on 8 May 2002 in Pakistan, against the bus transporting the French of the Directorate of Naval Works (DCN). According to our information, on June 27, judge David de Pas indicted for homicides and involuntary injuries Gérard Clermont, the site manager, head of staff who assembled agosta 90b submarines at the Pakistani military base, and the chief Project in France, Alain Yvetot.
The two retirement engineers of Naval Group, current name of the company, hitherto placed under the status of assisted witnesses, would have “by clumsiness, inattention, negligence or breach of an obligation of prudence or security” Involuntarily caused the death of Cédric Bled, Jean-Michel Chevassut, Jean-Pierre Delavie, Thierry Donnart, Claude Drouet, Bernard Dupont, Pascal Groux, Jacques Laurent, Daniel Le Carpentier, Jean-Yves Leclerc and Pascal Leconte. And, for the same reasons, drawn the injuries of Michel Bongert, Claude Etasse, Gilbert Eustache, Jérôme Eustache, Frédéric Labat, Jean-Raymond Laupénie, Jean-Marc Le Gall, Laurent Leveziel, Loïg Madec, Christophe Polidor, Gilles Sanson and Jean -Paul Zanté. Serious injuries, disabling for life.
In a security context “particularly degraded since September 11, 2001”, or eight months before the attack, while terrorist attacks were multiplied against nationals and foreign interests, Mr. Clermont is accused of having “undervalued” the risk and to have implemented a security protocol “unsuitable for the state of the threat”. His hierarchical manager in France, Mr. Yvetot, also a military engineer, who received a report on the situation in Karachi every week, had validated the measures taken by his subordinate. For their part, the Americans, the English and the Canadians had repatriated their nationals, leaving only a few men who benefited from drastic security measures.
a “zero” safety plan
These provisions were inappropriate on the French side, “in particular during the trips between the place of residence and the site, allowing easy identification of the staff, the means of transport and the routes borrowed”, specifies the notice of implementation examination, which Le Monde consulted. The employees placed under the responsibility of Mr. Clermont were thus exposed to the terrorist threat, an offense repressed by six articles of the penal code. The same goes for Mr. Yvetot. The Pakistan Navy bus, the Marco Polo, recognizable among a thousand, adorned with its large pink waves, crossed the city at fixed hours, after picking up the men of the DCN at their hotel. The attack that shredded the bus took place during the second hotel, while one of the men was still on the step.
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