Named at the end of 2019, this thirties wanted to “shake” the function. She got there beyond her own expectations. First rented for his good management of the pandemic and the adhesion of her country to NATO, the social democratic leader is taken in a violent controversy after the publication of personal photos on social networks.
In an interview with Finnish public radio in October 2021, Sanna Marin announced the color. She wanted to “shake” the function of Prime Minister. “As a 35-year-old mother, I represent a younger generation. I try to live as my age,” explained the social democratic leader, head of the government of Finland since December 2019. Already claiming her right to Private life, it was annoyed: “Sometimes I have the impression that my very existence is a provocation for some.”
A few days earlier, the media of the small Nordic country had echoed criticism, some of which came on his own party. He was criticized for his activity on social networks, the festivals organized in Kesäranta, the official residence of the Prime Minister, and its links with certain celebrities. To her detractors, she had responded by taking up, on Instagram, the words of the Finnish singer, Benjamin Peltonen: “Hey boom-boomer, remains calm, be cool.”
This time, the controversy is of a completely different scale. Following the escape of a video on August 17, showing her dancing with friends and personalities from the showbiz, during a private party, she decided to submit to drug detection. Unsurprisingly, including those who claimed it in the ranks of the conservative right and the extreme right, the test is negative.
The case could have stopped there, if a photo, taken by one of his guests, in the official residence, this summer, had not appeared on Tiktok on August 23. We see two women, naked breasts, kissing, behind a sign on which is written “Finland”. A snapshot for which the Prime Minister had to apologize, completely overshadowing the particularly offensive foreign policy speech, which she had just delivered before the foreign ambassadors stationed in Helsinki.
At the end of this calamitous soap opera, transmitted almost live worldwide, Sanna Marin ended up cracking. Speaking in front of the leaders and deputies of his party, gathered in Lahti, in the north of Finland, on August 24, the head of the government, on the verge of tears, admitted having spent a “really very difficult” week. “I am a human being. Sometimes I also aspire to joy, light and laughter, in the midst of these dark moments,” she justified, adding that she had never “missed a Only working day “.
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