At EELV summer days, environmentalists believe they have won cultural battle

For the first summer day in Europe Ecologie-les Verts, in Grenoble, the affirmation of the ecological specificity awarded the questions of unity with the rest of the left.


If there are no summer days common to the whole new Ecological and Social People’s Union (Nuts), it is officially for organizational reasons: the places were already reserved, There were too many activists to welcome. In fact, at the opening of the summer days of environmentalists, Thursday August 25 in Grenoble, most of the Greens testified a certain relief to find themselves between them, at least a few hours, to reconnect with their fundamentals. The subject of the Nuts had been pushed back to the evening. What to leave time for internal discussions.

“When I joined this party, we spent our time defining ourselves only in relation to the Socialist Party [PS]. I don’t want us to start again with the cloud. It is not against the cloud , but we must ensure that we also have a life outside “, measured on Thursday, Marine Tondelier, municipal councilor in Hénin-Beaumont, who defends one of the texts for the European Congress Ecology-les Greens (EELV) in December. Hélène Hardy, member of the party executive office and potential carrier of a competing premotion, did not say anything else: “We are in a perspective of alliance with the whole left. But so that the cloud continues, he need moments of breathing. “

Breathe: over the day, press conferences in workshops, each has reaffirmed their sensitivity for the renewal of the party leadership. Yannick Jadot, for his part, reinforced his status as a former presidential candidate, certainly unhappy, but courted. He thus mentioned his call to the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, at the beginning of the summer: “If he finally [the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron] puts the means, we are ready to build good policies with you “He said to him. Macronist, Yannick Jadot? He denies it, claiming to have refused twice – before and after the June legislative elections – the approaches that were made to encourage him to enter the government. “I will not sit on my convictions,” he says.

In the afternoon, the deputy of Paris Sandrine Rousseau led a training workshop with the MEP Marie Toussaint but also Alain Coulombel, one of the leaders of the left wing of the party , in a good understanding which could suggest a common text for the congress. Delighted activists listened to him to unroll a history of eco-feminist paying capitalism, on the model of her latest book written with Adélaïde Bon and Sandrine Roudaut, beyond Androcene (Ed. Seuil, 4.5 euros). These executives are among the rare environmentalists to prefer to talk about NUPS than internal refocusing, while being no less skillful to congress maneuvers.

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/Media reports.