California: new cars will have to be “zero emission” polluting by 2035

A just adopted law will prohibit the sale of new diesel or petrol cars in 13 years at the latest, in the most populated and advanced American state in the fight against global warming.

Le Monde with AFP

California, a state at the forefront of efforts for an energy transition in the United States, adopted a law obliging new vehicles on Thursday, August 25, not to issue pollutant gas from 2035 at the latest.

“The rapid acceleration of the number of vehicles at zero emission on our roads and highways will make it possible to drastically reduce emissions and pollution for all Californians,” said Liane Randolph press release, president of the Californian office in charge of the Air quality (California Air Resources Board, Carb), which approved the measure.

The text, which will in fact prohibit the sale of new diesel or petrol cars from 2035, formalized the objectives set in September 2020 by the State Democratic Governor, Gavin Newsom. As early as 2026, a third of car sales in California will have to concern “zero emission” vehicles, in other words only vehicles driving on electricity, hydrogen and certain hybrid vehicles, and it will have to be two thirds of Sales from here at 2030.

an “ambitious but reachable calendar”

“The calendar is ambitious but achievable: when a child born this year is age to go to college, only vehicles at zero emission and a limited number of rechargeable hybrid vehicles will be available for sale for cars In California, “noted the carb. The office also estimates that by 2037, the new standard will allow a 25 % reduction in pollution fogs emanating from light vehicles.

“This will benefit all Californians but particularly from the most overwhelmed communities in economic and environmental matters, along the highways and other high -movement routes,” added the carb. This organization also argues that, from 2026 to 2040, the new regulations will avoid 1,290 deaths from cardiopulmonary diseases.

The State Democratic Governor, Gavin Newsom, praised the adoption of this measure. The reduction in the number of polluting vehicles on the roads represents the equivalent of “emissions caused by 915 million barrels of oil”.

The largest market in the United States

California with its more than 40 million consumers is the largest market in the United States and standards have an impact on manufacturing production across the country.

General Motors had already announced in January 2021 its intention to no longer build by 2035 polluting cars even if the group has not openly committed to offer only electric vehicles in 13 years.

The adoption of this measure in California comes when President Joe Biden has promulgated a large climate and health investment plan last week, which includes an envelope of $ 370 billion to reduce emissions from greenhouse gases from 40 % by 2030.

In recent years, many countries have attempted to limit pollution from the automotive sector. The United Kingdom, Singapore and Israel are committed to the end of sales of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030, and Norway made this commitment for 2025.

/Media reports.